Tag Archives: White Album 2

Review #003: White Album 2 bad

Ah, White Album! That’s an anime I’ll always have fond memories of. Not because it’s good, mind you. Quite the opposite, actually. Normally, when I watch a bad anime, it bores me. When I watched White Album, it made me laugh. There are very few things I’d describe as so bad it’s good, but I’d give that label to White Album without hesitating.

Given that, I was really excited for White Album 2. I suppose Valvrave already gave me my guilty pleasure of the season, but who ever heard of such a thing as too many guilty pleasures?

In that sense, the first episode really disappointed me because it honestly wasn’t that bad. Okay, I found it a bit weird that everyone was making such a big deal out of Ogiso not joining the festival (maybe it’s a cultural thing?), and I was afraid that Ogiso would be a moe blob with no flaws, but the latter of those two complaints is something that could be said about the first episode of almost every anime, and the former wasn’t anything damning. I’ll confess, I enjoyed the first episode of White Album 2.

I was also enjoying the second episode until Haruki declared that Ogiso was perfect and had no flaws. Congratulations, White Album 2! I was afraid that your show would have a certain flaw, so you went out of your way to tell me that it did.

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