Tag Archives: Rolling Girls

Rolling Girls Episode 5

this anime is about more than cute girls doing cute things I mean there are cute birds tooI realized that in my last post a fortnight ago, I didn’t fully represent the position of people who like Rolling Girls. I neglected to mention that a lot of folks out there think the world is pretty cool. I mean, there are several different countries, but they’re each only one city big. Isn’t that super interesting? And, like, each country has a different cultural. I mean, come on. Differing countries with differing cultures? Isn’t that just the height of good world-building? And best of all, the show takes place in Tokyo! Man, no anime has ever taken place in Tokyo before! Continue reading Rolling Girls Episode 5

Rolling Girls Episode 3

pirate knightI wrote 1.5 sentences of a Drrr!!x2 episode 3 post before I realized I had zero motivation to keep blogging that show. Instead, I’m writing about one of my two hatewatches of the season, Rolling Girls. Honestly, I’m surprised this show is getting as much popularity as it is. Whenever I hear people praise it, all they can seem to say is “It looks like Kyousogiga.” And to be fair, if you’re looking for pretty visuals, Rolling Girls does deliver. I remember when I was blogging UBW, I had to take the screenshots during the episode because absent an action scene or Rin making a silly face, there just wasn’t much to look at. But with this episode of Rolling Girls, I turned off the subs and just jumped to random moments in the episode. Literally every frame looks nice. Not every frame looks great, but this is an anime, not an art gallery. If you expect more, you’re stupid. I’m particularly fond of the animations and art surrounding knight girl. Her expressions switch from badass knight to girl obsessed with a statue of a hot guy in a completely seamless manner. Continue reading Rolling Girls Episode 3

Rolling Girls Episode 1

shouldve just watched graffitiAn important part of any post-apocalyptic story is tone. If the viewer doesn’t feel at least a little bit of the despair that comes with the world ending, then your premise and world-building have gone to waste. This is why I’m confused by the fact that Rolling Girls is a light-hearted cute-girls-doing-cute-things story. It takes place in a world where any semblance of government was done away with a while ago and where people just recently started to feel safe walking outside of the city limits. What creator thinks that’s supposed to be a light-hearted story? Continue reading Rolling Girls Episode 1